
Friday, March 1, 2013

UPLB Gender Center celebrates International Women's Month

Friday, March 1, 2013 0

The UPLB Gender Center held a symposium to celebrate the International Women’s Month on March 20 at the Operations Room of A.G. Samonte Hall. Dr. Ma. Regina M. Hechanova, Executive Director of the Ateneo Center for Organization Research and Development (Ateneo CORD), was the event’s resource speaker.

Dr. Maria Helen F. Dayo, Director of the Gender Center gave the welcoming remarks while Prof. Amelia L. Bello, coordinator  of the Gender for Rural Development Office, formally introduced
Dr. Hechanova.

Dr. Hechanova spoke about the Filipinas’ journey to equality and work life balance by tracing back the Philippines’ patriarchal history and roots. Although the situation of women in the Philippines is not as bad as in other countries, she said that women still experience discrimination and inequality in compensation and opportunities compared to the opposite sex. She shared her experiences of being a modern woman, pursuing further studies on top of being a mom, a wife, and a career woman – while trying to be her own person. She also mentioned the difficulty of finding mentors as a woman.

Serving as discussants were Prof. Josefina L. Solivas of the Institute of Chemistry and Coordinator of the Office of AntiSexual Harassment and Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Dean of the UPLB Graduate School.

Dr. Hechanova is an awardee of The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS) in 2010. The award is presented by the TOWNS Foundation to outstanding Filipinas who have contributed positively to strengthening our national capability. (KE Araguas)
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